Abbreviations and acronyms
Search a database of 97,000 acronyms and abbreviations.
Academic Libraries
Americans in the Sciences
Profiled are African American men and women who have contributed to the
advancement of science and engineering.
Alex: A Catalogue of Electronic Texts on the Internet
Alex is/was an informal research project
whose purpose was to explore the possibilities creating catalogs of
Internet-based electronic texts. Originally conceived by Hunter Monroe in
1993-4, the catalog contains roughly 2,000 entries mostly on gopher
American Psychological Association
The American Psychological
Association (APA), in Washington, DC, is the largest scientific and
professional organization representing psychology in the United States and
is the world's largest association of psychologists.
American Sign Language Dictionary
"... American Sign Language terms to help
those of you who are trying to communicate with a person who signs, but
does not hear. Also included is the basic alphabet and numbers 1-10.
The Dictionary has both animated and text definitions. The
text definitions also have letter or number hand images to aid in
visualizing the sign. This will allow you to quickly locate a word, read
how to sign the word, and choose to view the animated sign if you wish."
Ask Me Help Desk
At the Ask Me Help Desk you can ask real people questions for FREE. And,
if you help other people solve their problems, you can become an
Expert in your
Association of Research Libraries
Shaping and influencing forces affecting the future of research libraries in the process
of scholarly communication.
Books and Publishers includes the complete,
updated Encyclopedia Britannica, the oldest and largest general
reference in the English language. Selected articles from more than 70 of
the world's top magazines--including Newsweek, Discover, and The
Economist--provide additional feature and current-events coverage.
The Center
for Lesbian and Gay Studies
The Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies
(CLAGS) is a university-based research center located in the United
States. CLAGS makes its home at the Graduate School and University
Center of the City University of New York, and is dedicated to the study
of historical, cultural, and political issues of vital concern to lesbian,
gay, bisexual, and transgendered individuals.
Citing Sources
A guide based on WARP and
the MLA style from The Winsor School of Boston Ma.
Education Research
HR References
Indiana University Center for Aging Research
Aging related links on this page include centers and institutes, aging directories, government agencies and information resources.
Internet Address Finder
For searching and finding the names, E-mail addresses, and Intel Internet
Video Phone contacts, of Internet users worldwide.
Internet Resources for
Institutional Research
This homepage of annotated links is maintained by John H. Milam, Jr.,
Ph.D. for George Mason University to assist institutional researchers,
planners, faculty, and students in higher education in navigating the
World Wide Web.
John Bartlett - Familiar Quotations
Hopkins Research
Research being done at Johns Hopkins in
health and medicine, the arts, the sciences, social sciences, public
policy and technology.

Jupiter Direct
( Formally AllNetResearch )
More than 400 Internet Research Reports from
over 40 leading research organizations. Some of the reports are from
Demographic, Geographic, Hardware/Software, Network Services,
Telecommunications, Advertising, Finance/Stocks, Professional, E-Commerce,
and Travel.
Library Information Resources on the Internet
Compiled By Northwestern University Library
Library of Congress Bibliographic File Search
From Data Research Associates ( DRA ), search by Subject, Author, Title, Call Number, ISBN, ISSN, et cetera.
Library of Congress Home Page
Libweb - Library WWW Servers
Libweb currently lists over 3700 pages from libraries in 62 countries.
Modern Language Association Style - MLA
The style recommended by the Modern Language
Association for preparing scholarly manuscripts and student research
papers concerns itself with the mechanics of writing, such as punctuation,
quotation, and documentation of sources. MLA style has been widely adopted
by schools, academic departments, and instructors for nearly half a
Native American Sites
The sites goal is to "facilitate communication
among Native peoples and between Indians and non-Indians by providing
access to home pages of Native American Nations and organizations, and to
other sites that provide solid information about American Indians."
Newspapers on The World Wide Web
Panel Study of Income Dynamics
The PSID is a longitudinal survey of a representative sample of US individuals and the families in which they reside. It has been ongoing since 1968. The data are collected annually, and the data files contain the full span of information collected over the course of the study. PSID data can be used for cross-sectional, longitudinal, and intergenerational analysis and for studying both individuals and families. The study is conducted at the Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan.
Since 1966, Peterson's has helped connect individuals, educational
institutions, and corporations with books, software, networking services,
online activities, and special admissions services.
US National and State Representatives
Resources for Researchers
Statistics & College Statistics Sites Extensive
University of Pittsburgh Office of Research
A web site developed for the education of students. It is called "University Accelerated Learning Online" . A resource providing theoretical knowledge for subjects listed in many worldwide universities, so that students may use it for research, assignments or just for extra information on a topic.
USA National Libraries and Library
USA Public Libraries
USA Regional Consortia
USA Special and School
USA State Libraries
U.S. Gazetteer This gazetteer is used to identify places to
view with the Tiger Map Server and obtain census data from the 1990 Census
Lookup server. You can search for places, counties or MCDs by entering the
name and state abbreviation (optional), or 5-digit zip code.
Women's Studies Programs, Departments, & Research
Maintained by Joan Korenman Director of the Center for Women and
Information Technology and Professor of English at the University of
Maryland, Baltimore County. Links to more than 700 women's studies
(including "gender studies") programs, departments, and research centers
around the world that have web sites.
Women's Studies Programs in the United States
By Kate Robinson
Your is a language products and services company that maintains one the most comprehensive and authoritative language portal on the web with more than 2500 dictionaries and grammars in over 300 languages, games that build language skills, and a forum (The Agora) for discussing language issues with the logophile community

Scholarships |
Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf
Scholarships are awarded to prelingually deaf or hard-of-hearing students who use speech and speechreading to communicate.
Canadian Scholarships
FastWEB's database of scholarships, fellowships, grants, and loans . (in French and English)(you might learn a little French reading this.. La clé de l'aide financière sur le WEB) Scholarship Search
College Connection
"Where career and college bound students can receive free scholarship information and begin to build a financial aid package. " They have the scholarship of the month... Also have target scholarships...
Information on scholarships, and more. All related to financial aid. Quite varied.
College Financial Aid Resources
An excellent suggestion by a student of Ms Tonya Marie Clark at Monument Charter School.
Use the Internet to help students find scholarships for college. Match each student's background, automatically, with eligibility requirements for scholarships from around the country and advise them about scholarship opportunities tailored to them. All for free.
Fulbright Student Scholarships
This is for American citizens planning to study in the United Kingdom . Many qualifications.
Fulbright Awards
The first requirement is that candidates must be citizens of an EU country and are expected to have had most of their education in the UK . There is more ----- many..many awards..with click throughs.
How to Apply for a Scholarship
National federation For the Blind - Scholarships
A list of available scholarships.
They claim to be is the nation's largest privately funded source of scholarships for minority engineering students. (They list African Americans, latinos, and American Indians)
NCAA Scholarships
Each year, the NCAA awards more than $1 million in scholarships to deserving students who have participated in college athletics and/or are pursuing an athletics-related career. Look here. Explanation and much much more..Great!
Online Study Abroad-OSAD Scholarship Database
OSAD's online database contains over 200 scholarships intended for American undergraduate students looking to study abroad by many options.
Sallie Mae's free Online Scholarship Service.
A large database. easy to use, and has some excellent other links.

Other Stuff |
US Newspaper List
StateNewsLines Mobile
ATM Locater
Direct Textbook
Find low prices on New and Used books at Direct Textbook
Find an E-Mail Address
Who's cheating ??????
Press Releases of 20,000 Companies
Scholarly Societies Project
The Scholarly Societies Project has been
created to facilitate access to information about scholarly societies
across the world. Internet Resources of 1480 Scholarly Societies glossary
", which has been around since 1999, serves to help people understand the sometimes intimidating world of computers. ...The website consists of a dictionary of computer terms with easy-to-understand definitions".
A "unique price search engine which locates new and used textbooks and their prices at 16 different online book retailers". Their "goal is to quickly scan everyplace a textbook is available, avoid the irritating diversions you get from individual bookstore sites and find the lowest prices".
